Douglas Engine 1 is our initial response engine for fires inside the Douglas Fire District. It is a 4-man cab that has a 1000 gallon tank. It also has our battery powered rescue tools for extrication purposes
Douglas Tanker 1 joins Engine 1 on all fire calls inside the Douglas Fire District and is first due for all automatic mutual aid fire calls. It is a 2-man cab that holds 3000 gallons of water. |
Douglas Engine 2 is a 2-man cab that has a 1500 gallon tank. It is second due for all mutual aid calls. If Engine 1 is busy, Engine 2 will be first due for any fire calls in the Douglas Fire District.
Douglas Brush 1 is a F350 that handles all brush/grass fires. It has a 200 gallon tank along with 200ft of forestry hose.
We also have Douglas Engine 4 which is an older model engine that holds 1000 gallons of water and will assist Brush 1 on brush/grass fire calls. We also have Douglas Truck 1 and Truck 2. Which are first due for any medical/tree down calls. Douglas Support 1 is an ambulance type vehicle that is used for carrying equipment to and from fire scenes. |